Dear friends, I am preparing a new travel adventure. One that will exceeds all my previous trips. And of course Brutus plays an important role. Soon I will announce more details!
Operation winch repair is in full swing
Since I broke my winch during an event by the Land Cruiser Club I never looked at it again and it was basically a heavy weight on the front bumper. This obviously needed to change. I don’t really see a need for a winch for the kind of traveling I do so the options are to repair it against minimal costs, or ditch the whole thing and lose some weight from the front bumper as an added benefit. Replacing it with an other winch is not what I was intended to do.

Safe water on the road
Today I received a new addition to my travel equipment, a LifeSaver jerrycan with built-in water filter. I also ordered the optional spray hose so I can easily rinse of fruit and vegetables with clean water, or even take a shower.

I have investigated various filtration options, and decided to go for the LifeSaver jerrycan because of the high filtration claims, the self-contained water storage of 18 litres and the fact that the size is the same as a standard jerrycan which makes packaging a lot easier.
A new look for Brutus
Today I installed the Zarges case and jerrycan holder on the roofrack.
Some presents for Brutus
Meanwhile I’m 3 weeks back from my North Cape trip, and the wanderlust has not yet been set. I can not motivate myself to apply for a new freelance job, instead, I bought 4 steel rims for Brutus last week, a jerrycan holder and a large Zarges case for on the roof rack, a maintenance manual, a tire pressure control system and I did a bid on a roof tent. The plans for a new adventure are in the making!
Back in the Netherlands
We’re back in the Netherlands! I dropped Johannes off at the Deventer train station, and will spend my last night of my North Cape road trip at the same spot where where I started three months ago, in the backyard of Sander and Arwen in Deventer. Meanwhile with family expansion. We are ready for the soccer match Netherlands – England!
Farewell Gauja National Park, Riga here we come!
After a couple of nice days in the Gauja National Park it is time to move on. Today I’m going to pickup Johannes from the Riga Airport, he will join me for the rest of the trip back home. On the way to Riga I visited Turaida Castle, a reconstructed medieval castle from 1214.
Midnight sun, at last
After all the bad weather in northern Norway I almost gave up on seeing the midnight sun, but since arriving in northern Finland the weather cleared up. Last night were the midsummer night festivities here in Inari. A large bonfire on one of the islands, barbecue and beer, all the ingredients one needs for an amazing night, and most important a clear sky!