Getting an awning and visiting Salzburg

Driving the Deutsche Alpenstraße was accomplished and I had arrived at the Gordigear European office. When Gordigear heard about my plans to drive to Australia, and they being an Australian brand of outdoor equipment, they offered me to provide an awning for the car. An offer I of course happily accepted! And since their European office was on my route I could easily pick it up along the way.

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Making a detour to Liechtenstein and Switzerland

Although I was disturped by the police the night before I did have a good sleep in the forest near Lindau and after an easy breakfast I made my way to Liechtenstein. My friend Marcel recommended me to go to the Anterior Rhine near Versam and since Liechtenstein was along the way I decided to also honour this little Principality with a visit.

Samina Valley, Liechtenstein

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Bye bye sweet home, bye bye sweet Amsterdam, I’m gone!

It has already been more than a week since I left Amsterdam, so time for my first travelogue about this Amsterdam to Sydney adventure. And since most of the first days since I left were filled with farewell activities this one will be more of a personal kind.

The core of the Farewell Camp, Sander his Land Rover Series 3 109 on the right and my Toyota Land Cruiser 95 on the left

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