Driving the Deutsche Alpenstraße was accomplished and I had arrived at the Gordigear European office. When Gordigear heard about my plans to drive to Australia, and they being an Australian brand of outdoor equipment, they offered me to provide an awning for the car. An offer I of course happily accepted! And since their European office was on my route I could easily pick it up along the way.
The awning was easily installed wit the provided brackets and bolts and soon Brutus was equipped with a shelter against rain and sun. I did not have the time to fully setup the awning thus a picture of the full setup will follow later.
After this my visit to Germany came to an end and I continued my way to Austria. Eva had invited me to her hometown Salzburg, so that’s what I was heading to. On the way I stopped at a hardware store to buy some bolt for remounting the aftermarket cruisecontrol which rumbled loose in Switzerland, on the parking lot of the store I bolted everything together and now the cruisecontrol has been better mounted than ever before.
I first spend a night wildcamping just out of Salzburg as Eva was still working in Germany and the next day I took my bicycle and cycled to the old town. There I met Benjamin from CouchSurfing and together we visited the Salzburg Fortress and had some beers afterwards. In the evening I met Eva at her place.
On Saturday I did some more exploring of the city, climbed up the Mönchsberg then back down town and at the end of the day I visited a small wine festival where local wine producers were presenting their wines.

In the evening Eva took me to the largest beergarten of Austria, the Müllner Bräustübl, adjacent the local beer brewer, and some of her friends joined the party. I would see them again the next evening at a barbecue but first I cycled to Hellbrun where I spend the day in the spacious park.

In the evening Eva organised the mentioned barbecue for some of her friends and their kids in her garden with trout and green asparagus, it tasted delicious! The kids stayed over for camping in the garden and on Monday morning I was baking pancakes for them. But to all good things come an end and I continued my journey trough Austria towards Slovenia where I will be picking up my friend Johannes who will be traveling with me for 10 days.