Great few days in Cape Town

Climbing Table Mountain, wine tasting, oysters, sushi and more wine tasting. Nice and positive way to end this trip after the accident. Thanks Paul & Kate for showing me around and the great support last couple of weeks!

Weekend in Lüderitz

Last Tuesday Paul and Kate picked me up in Windhoek to arrange things around the car. The recent days we have been busy with picking out the luggage, paperwork at the police and customs and finding a buyer for the wreck. Now a weekend in Lüderitz and Monday and Tuesday ticking off the last points. And then… I can travel with Paul and Kate to Cape Town, so that I can finish the adventure in a way. And Sander, he arrived safely in NL this morning!

Troubles in Namibia

Dear friends, troubles here in Namibia, I lost control of the wheel last weekend and crashed. Sander and I in the hospital and the Yellow Monster total loss. Physically I’m already recovering considerably. I need to arrange some things here and then come back to NL in a few weeks. End of the adventure 🙁

Having breakfast with the First Secretary of our Dutch Embassy in Cotonou

And then suddenly you are having breakfast with the First Secretary of our Dutch Embassy in Cotonou. Yesterday morning I visited our embassy and was invited by the best man for a dinner party because “you do not see a Dutch registration plate here very often” the ambassador and the rest of his entourage joined so it became a pleasant Dutch evening. Then I was allowed to put the Yellow Monster on the driveway of the First Secretary and spend the night there. What a hospitality!