Crossing the Ghanese border went different than expected

Yesterday the border crossing to Ghana was slightly different than expected… The crossing that I planned to take, and which was marked as a road on my map turned out to be only doable by canoe. Police and customs post were present, only no bridge! And driving through the water was not an option. Eventually I had to drive 200 km to the next border post, almost completely unpaved road and with big holes 🙁

Unbearable temperatures in Ouagadougou

I arrived in Burkina Fasso a few days ago, temperature in Ouagadougou is unbearable, luckily I received my visa for Ghana and I’m already looking forward to a refreshing dive in the sea. But first I will visit the south west of Burkina Faso; Bobo-Dioulasso, Banfora and Sindou Peaks

Thanks for the birthday wishes!

Thank you dear friends for the birthday wishes! Yesterday I had a nice evening in Bamako, Mali, with bubbles and even some fireworks.

Today the visa for Burkina Faso is arranged and I went wild on milkshakes and other luxuries that you can find in such a capital. In the coming days there will also be a travel report so to be continued…

Tonight we’re pub quizzing with the expat community of Bamako. Four rounds with themes Marsupials, Mali, Religion and UN.