Last weekend the Dutch Land Cruiser Club organised it’s yearly New Year Drive, this year in the province of Overijssel. I asked my friend Sander to be the navigator.

It all started on Friday afternoon when I finally picked up Brutus at the garage all the way in Maasdijk where it was since the front left suspension broke more then 3 months ago. The repair definitely took to long, but that’s a different story. Also I received the ladder extension for my roof top tent from my sponsor GordiGear. The plan was to go camping after the event so the ladder extension was very welcome.
On Saturday morning I packed my camping stuff, did a quick stop for groceries and picked up Sander. We arrived at the starting point of the drive around 11:00, received the first part of the route book and started driving. The route was written in the ball and arrow notation and after the first couple of turns we got the hang of it.
The route went trough forests and countryside even though all the roads were public roads about 50% of the ride was unpaved. Quite an achievement in our organised lowlands. Not only was it unpaved but there was quite some dirt, mud and even a challenging part of two.
After a lunch of pea soup, rye bread and bacon we continued with route book number two. More forests and countryside were crossed before we arrived at the endpoint where a cold beers and food were waiting for us. Before dinner we quickly setup my GordiGear roof top tent as we would be camping here.
Most of the members went home after dinner but a small group of die hards, not afraid of the cold, stayed behind and would also be camping here. I brought some fire wood and we shared beers and stories around the flames. Thanks Land Cruiser Club for organising this great day!