Yesterday morning I left Copenhagen in the morning, I decided to keep the rest of the city for an dedicated city trip. I drove north to Helsingør where the UNESCO World Heritage site Kronborg Castle is situated.
This morning I took te bicycle to check out the city. First I went to the statue of the Little Mermaid or Den Lille Havfrue, which was on the way to the city centre. Of course busses full of tourists were dropped of and the little statue barely visible. Just a bit further, in a small park, a statue of man drying him self didn’t receive any attention.
I continued my ride downtown and checked out the city for the rest of the day
Today I drove from the island of Møn to Copenhagen. Still at the island of Møn I visited the Liselund Ny Slot and it’s surrounding gardens and a tomb by the name of Sømarkedyssen dating back to approximately 3400 BC.
The island of Lolland, Falster and Mons are known for its ancient tombs, aka passage graves or dolmen, from the stone and bronze age. In the Netherlands similar constructions are known in the province of Drente.
I started the day with a stroll trough one of the forests of Lolland where some tombs could be found. Also I was able to spot some deer as well as some pheasants.
Later I checked some tombs out along the way to Mons Klint which was my destination for today. Some of the tombs were restored in their original state, covered by dirt and appearing as a small hill in the fields. Others were just the large uncovered stones, showing an interesting insight in the construction.
Today was a long day on the road, I drove about 450 KM trough Germany to end up in the harbour of Puttgarden where the ferry to Rødby goes. I didn’t buy a ticket in advance and actually planned to do some wild camping in Puttgarden and take the ferry in the morning. Upon arrival it was still possible to take one of the latest ferries of the day and I decided to do so.
And I’m gone! My first stopover on the way up north is at good friends Sander and Arwen in Deventer where I parked Brutus in the backyard and camped there. Of course good food was shared and later in the evening the campfire was lit and some cold beers emptied. The perfect way to start a holiday!
Good food was shared
The perfect way to start a holiday: campfire, cold beers and friends
I thought it would be a good idea to take a bicycle with me on my North Cape trip so I could make some nice bicycle trips instead of driving and also to visit the cities and towns along the way. The bike I owned didn’t have any gears, it’s just a city bike for Amsterdam, so was not really an option for the hills and mountainous up north. I scrolled trough the adds on secondhand website Marktplaats and stumbled upon a nice 21 gear Giant Tourer for a very fair price.
My new secondhand bicycle, firmly mounted to the rear of the car